1.Even better, the website can generate ready-to-use code snippets. A real time gain for you and your clients!
2.To see this in action, use code like that shown in Listing 5 to test the response text of a request, as well as its ready state.
3.If you were just using plain text to send this data to a server, you might use code that looks something like Listing 1.
4.If you wanted to see the average, count, max, and standard of the frequency values, you can use code similar to Listing 8.
5.Code generation: Where some complexity of code is unavoidable it may be possible to use code generation techniques.
6.Create and use code analysis check-in policies: You can choose from a standard set of code analysis rules, or you can create a custom set.
7.You can use code snippets to type a short alias, and then expand it into a common programming construct.
8.This walkthrough introduces you to Web pages that use code separation.
9.Because you cannot associate an add-in with a solution file through the registry, you must use code to do it.
10.It should be clear by now that, to get the most out of the Static Checker, you must use Code Contracts all throughout your code.